Why do I use TurboTenant to Manage my Rental Property?

Why do I use TurboTenant to Manage my Rental Property?

Why do I use TurboTenant to Manage my Rental Property?

I've been using TurboTenant to manage my rental property in San Diego for over a year now. I am really satisfied with their service and definitely suggest it to everyone who manages rental properties, small or large. 

My rental unit has two bedrooms and two bathrooms, as well as a detached garage. Each room is rented separately. A couple had been residing in the other room for nearly two years.

Let me tell you a story about how I first learned about TurboTenant. I had a tenant in 2021 who was both a single mother and a flight attendant. She was able to produce the necessary documentation for tenancy, and because she is Filipina, I was drawn to her among all the candidates. She promoted herself by saying she won't be home as much because of her job and that she drops her seven-year-old son off at his father's residence in Los Angeles before leaving for work. So, in my opinion, she might be a good match, so I thought…

I had a suspicion something was amiss a few months later, but I dismissed it until I saw the other renter in the grocery store. When I questioned, he confirmed that the new tenant's boyfriend was living there because all of his belongings were in the house. So here they are, three people in one room and a total of five people in the house. 

I was so disappointed that my feelings clouded my judgment. 

I then requested an in-person meeting and asked for an additional payment because another individual was added to the room without his name appearing on the original lease. They appeared to be so surprised!  As you can expect, it was a heated discussion. I'm grateful my hubby was with me at the time. They both denied that the boyfriend moved in. They said that he was still leaving at his apartment. Later on the discussion, they made me feel responsible for what happened. It was a slew of deception and gaslighting. They refused to pay for additional payment, leaving them with no choice but to depart after 30 days. I gave them three days to reconsider, and she later indicated that they would leave in 30 days.

I felt relieved.

This occurred when renters were unable to be evicted. She notified me a week before the agreed-upon departure date that her boyfriend had dumped her. He literally packed his belongings and departed the condo. She told me that he told her that she was a manipulative narcissist. This was massive karma for her!

You guessed it, she was pleading with me to stay. I truly felt horrible for her, but I have no doubt she will do it again. She will find another boyfriend and most likely have him move into the house without telling me, and she has already stated that she has lived with numerous partners in the past. I was firm in my stance and informed her that I had found someone else to take over the lease.

To cut a long tale short, she eventually left. I'm pleased she did. I recommended her to the next landlord.

This takes me back to the importance of using rental property management software such as TurboTenant. It automates all the necessary steps to run your rental property.  To begin, it simultaneously markets your listings to dozens of sites like as Realtor.com and Apartment lists, to mention a few. You can utilize or customize their lease agreement, which you can email to your tenants for electronic signature. It appears more professional and arranged this way. They also include a number of paperwork you can use to supplement your agreement, including as a co-signer agreement, pet addendum, move-in/move-out condition report, rent increase notification, and many more. You can invite and screen potential tenants. They fill out the questionnaire regarding their rental history, credit report, and background information after receiving your invitation. You will then know whether they are a good fit to become your tenant. The crucial element that I appreciate the most is that they collect and deposit your rental payments for free.

Prior to using TurboTenant, my tenants paid me via Venmo or Zelle. They sometimes forget or seem to forget that it is time for payment, so I text them and they transfer me the payment. When you use TurboTenant, it sends them an email a few days before the rental payment is due. It's incredible that I don't have to remind or speak with them about this. You can enjoy the comfort of mind of simplifying your rental properties for only $8.25 each month. You can also add several homes and an unlimited number of bank accounts to collect rent payments.

Start your Free Trial here!

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